2011年6月21日 星期二






The person who went in first said the manager didn't look too bothered at first- until he saw just how many people were pouring in, basically the whole department. People were excited but also very tense and emotional, rather than shouting or making noise the atmosphere was very somber and serious. We made our prepared points, although we got the jitters and forgot our lines, we got everything basically said. Anyway the important thing was that the whole department was there, doing something which was very scary and confrontational for a lot of people, that was way outside of the known for a lot of them, but they did it, everybody went in and stood shoulder to shoulder in front of managers that a lot of people are scared of, managers that will be picking from amongst us for redundancies. We left when we had said our piece, we left when we chose to and not before, and despite the total lack of jumping fences,shouting, running or vandalism it was actually one of the most inspiring bits of direct action of my life.


